Sunday, March 29, 2009

Such kindness...

The day, I actually (finally!)go to Hifz Quranic class, I was surprised 2 see 2 male adults joining us. Either they are new or I am...cos

I had been MIA from Hifz class (Quranic) due to schedule clashing but mainly unable to memorize the Sura Ar-Rahmaan.I had been religiously attending mostly HADITH memorization but skip the Quranic one. It felt weird because this Sura is one of the popular ones and even my teacher was stumped when I seeked his help. About 6 months, I was struggling to remember , just the first page of Ar-Rahmaan.

Then I started thinking, is it the method of memorizing is wrong? Should I changed it? I tried reading it 40 times over and over again (supposingly if u read something 40 times, u can remember it automatically) but it did not register in the brains at all. Tried 60 times. Then i relent..I need my teacher advice.

The advice he gave me :He said that though the time that I chose to memorize is of peace and tranquility (before subuh prayer and during maghrib isya) Perhaps, I should choose a different timing. He said that there must be a reading time and memorizing time separately. When u read that does not mean, u should memorize. So perhaps, should try afternoon or whenever cos He said that memorizing can be done any time, anywhere.

So after I get to memorized 28 ayats (its nothing great cos by right , 6 months I should memorized few juzuks, hmm...) and reluctantly meet my teacher, kinda skeptical on his reactions and a bit of fear seeps in cos the last date of hifz (in my report book) was dated 2008. My worry was unfounded, he was great and very motivating. But still I made silly mistakes which is a GREAT blunder cos even a single stroke that is wrong will give that ayat a different meaning.So demoted from A student to Z student. But at least, I took the courage to come and face my fear...

Then upon my exit to go home, I heard someone called me "Cikgu" (Err my nickname that my teacher gave me) I did not want to turn around cos I knew only Teacher called me by that and that tone of voice is different. But after repeated calls, I did turn somehow.

I turn around, one of the so-called new male adult student came to me. He hand over a small piece of hard thick cardboard with supplication paper pasted on it which I believe he made it himself. He asked me "U r memorizing the Surah Ar-Rahmaan, right? May this help u... "something like that...

I was surprised at the sudden gesture of kindness from this stranger (which I only meet today) and that someone did listen when I was actually pouring out my hifz woes to Teacher. People might think that it is nothing. It meant a great deal to me. It motivates me to push harder to strive for excellence and not to slack. The main thing is I felt sudden faith renewed "God listens"....

May God bless that person and help him and the rest in their HIFZ and get to khatam our Quranic hifz too. May all of us end up as Huffaz dunia & akhirat .amin.

The irony is that...that particular day was probably my last class there cos the class had been move over from As-Syafaah mosque to Kg Siglap mosque. And all of us will be separated into various classes. Hmm...

Okay Teacher's word of wisdom todays is "Al-Quran itu akan hadir dalam hati yang bersih, yang ikhlas kerana Al-Quran itu mudah "(from my teacher's teacher)

"The Holy Quran will enter the heart which is cleanse and sincere, because the Holy Quran is easy." something like that...if there is error, please forgive me.I'm only Human.

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