Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Today is about determination...and time

Went to a new class tonite but same teacher. Kinda sad that my class had to split but everything has to happen for a reason, blessings in disguise.

Teacher was emphasing to us (especially me) to make the best use of our time. If we know how to divide our time wisely, we can succeed in memorizing the Holy Quran eventually, insya-Allah.

Teacher also told us to upgrade our knowledge by going for more classes and to frequent the "khatam" of Al-Quran so that we can get accustomed to the Quran.

Teacher wasnt really happy that we took our time to recite our memorization to him. He wanted us to do our memorization at home and come well-prepared (luckily, I went first, so am I still being zeroed in? Hmm...)

But personally, I think most of the lecture today is about individuals. To me, I felt a big part of it referring to me and my Sura Ar-Rahmaan and my old hifz that has been forgotten (I hope not, insya-Allah). Kinda motivated too since most of my classmates are adults and retired teachers. Felt motivated talking to them and sharing our "Struggling moments" together.

First time , I was in Darul Quran class. Normally I will be at the old mosque for hifz but this is a new change. We need to take off our shoes before entering the state of the art class .The class has a big tv and can access internet).We need to be CLEAN in and out to memorise the holy Quran, shoes are dirty so its a NO-NO! (that reminds me when I travelled to Holland, there were lots of dogs' poo everywhere. They paid some kinda of dog poo tax so they need not pick up after their dog's poo only limited areas like parks, it is compulsory , so I am very vexed when walking on the streets trying to jump, hop or avoid poo at all costs and I embraced raining season well, dancing in the rain in fact...)

Okay back to the topic....
Teacher said something like :" Determination will lead to success but u need great patience too especially when calamities befall u." Hmm..kinda answered some doubts twinkling in my head. Is he some kinda of psychic? Or perhaps he saw my "switch off mode" face...Hmm...

Next week topic supposed to be on food and memorisation and I heard hint2 of FISH HEAD curry..Yum! (err..I think Im supposed to avoid this..well, lets wait n see!)

TIP 1- 2 know whether u are memorising correctly ...

Only spend 20mins for memorizing 10 ayats

for full-time or expert student hifz ,
30mins = 1 page of the Holy Quran.
(hmm, when will I reach that stage? Insya-Allah, don't be dishearten my heart....if there's a will, there's a way...)

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