Wednesday, August 8, 2007

New method, new beginning.

I'm trying a new method of memorizing.It is said that this is a TuRKISH method.

This method requires u to start by phase.
Phase 1 is to memorize from the last page of every Juzuk. In my case(I'm Using the Mekkah/Madinah Quran)and so it should be every 20th page of every juzuk.

1) Memorize last page of juzuk 1 on day 1
2)Memorize last page of juzuk 2 on day 2
This will continue till the end of the month with me meorizing the last page of the 30th juzuk.and so my phase 1 is complete.

Next phase 2,
I wil memorize the 19th page of juzuk 1, then next day 19th page of juzuk 2...but please link 19th page to 20th page when u are memorizing them.

and so the phase continues till phase 30..

that is what I can share for the time being as I'm a newbie in memorizing..

I've tried starting from the front Juzuk Al-Baqarah but the motivation is low because it seems endless...

And I've tried memorizing from juz 30, 29,28...this is much better because the surah is short and u tend to get motivated by the number of surahs accumulated..

and the turkish method will be one of my last method to try out. Because I hope by memorizing each juzuk regularly, I will be highly motivated to complete the phases and end up completing them around 600 days about 2 years...insya-Allah.

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