So fast, time passes..Ramadan is going to be over soon. Very sad...
Anyway. just to share. When I was first exposed to hifz, My hafiz ustaz actually "Tested" me after first juzuk. His questions aren't that simple like some local schools' hifz test. In fact, I found it the HARDESt. Want to know why?
He asked me what is the ayat
before this ayat that he recite...That is why...If he asked what is the ayat AFTER...insya-Allah my mind can immediately answer but he asked what is BEFORE this ayat, immediately, I got to remember where the ayat that he recited came from, what page then remember the "keywords" like the starting of the page ayat...and the middle and the ending of the a result, I failed?!! Too long..panicked never expected...0 out of 10 questions.I was given 30 seconds only to answer.
So, from what I learned from this "failure" is that, I need to remember some key ayats in that particular page...And the irony was that he tested my Juz Amma (juz 30th) the so-called easiest Juzuk of all juzuks. But dont give up, for those who experienced the FIRST hifz test and failed badly like me...insya-Allah persevere, the REWARDS are endless...
And from the new way that I learned recently (memorizing by the last page of every juzuks) , I'm able to remember the page number, the beginning , middle and the ending much better..because I memorize each page individually and they are not connected to the next page which is the last page of the next juzuk. So ur mind has to be "stronger" and "picture" it...Let's hope I can finish the whole Quran using this method, I am interested to spread this kind of technique to others but I must first experienced and khatam/finish the hafazan/hifz first. I hope i dont give up halfway, ya Allah please help me..
As for the last 10 days, May all of us get Lailatul Qadar...amin ya rabbal alamin.